How Do Payment Gateways Maintain Zero Downtime?


Digitalization is the perfect fit to describe the current epoch in a word. Having said so, we could understand it better when we look deeply into it. When we think of the term digitalization, the payment method is the one that comes to our mind at first.

Digital payment platforms have increased, giving us a wide choice. Most payments are made online, so knowing its process is necessary. The payment gateway is a process involved in any online payment transaction. Thus, this article will deliberate what a payment gateway is and how payment gateways maintain zero downtime.

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    What Is A Payment Gateway and Zero Downtime?

    As payments have become much easier with its online or digital phase, it is preferred, and online transactions have increased. Knowing about it and the process of how it works is essential. The payment gateway and zero downtime have been explained below to understand how payment gateways maintain zero downtime.

    How Does The Payment Gateway Work?

    The payment gateway is the process involved in any transaction mode or method. Online payments have become the vital mode of any transaction. So understanding its process is important.

    In any transactions made, a minimum of two parties are involved. One is the transaction initiator, and the other one is the receiver. To make it simple, the buyer and the merchant. When any transaction process happens between the two parties, there is a step where the payment gateway processes. 

    The payment gateway is the process that collects all the required information from the payment initiator about their account details, including the name of the account holder, CVV, expiry on the card, and the account number if it is made through the card and transmits these details to the receiver’s bank. Thus, the initiator can make payment, and the receiver can receive the money in their bank account without any hurdle. 

    The payment gateway is the process involved during online transactions by using a card or any other method that the payment servicing company provides, which has been approved by the bank. Also, to be more specific, the payment gateway involves payment being made using a card and other payment modes, like UPI, NEFT, payment links, Bharat QR and much more.

    The payment gateway is the crucial step in any online transaction, and there are types of payment gateways, and it is up to us to choose. It is regarding the level of security preferred before making any payment to process. The two-dimension security of the payment gateway will not have the step of authentication. In contrast, the three-dimension security of the payment gateway has the process of authentication before proceeding with the payments.

    NTT DATA Payment Services offers payment gateway services to many businesses. NTT DATA Payment Services provides multi-bank EMI, multiple payment modes, easy retry, invoice payment, and payment options such as debit cards, credit cards, net banking, challan, UPI, Bharat QR Scan and Pay, Wallets, NEFT/RTGS, and much more.

    The Zero Downtime

    Zero down time is a kind of deploy­ment in which the website and the application are never offline nor in an unsta­ble condition dur­ing the function. Unless the full deployment procedure is completed, the modified code and the serving will not be begun by the web server.

    Zero down ­time assists every industry that works in the digital world. Few industries depend more on this deployment type than the industries like e-commerce, banks, security businesses, and so on.

    Redundancy becomes an urgent requirement at every system level to reach zero downtime. To boost zero downtime, whether repetitive to other available areas and zones, using a spread load balancing regionally, or having numerous crowded databases web servers on the backend are the few aspects to be verified.

    Zero downtime does not mean everything is constantly up and running in the most recent version. It means that users don’t know what is going on. Having zero downtime allows you to work in smaller groups, lower risk, and get quicker feedback from your customers.

    How Do Payment Gateways Maintain Zero Downtime?

    It has always been a question of how do payment gateways maintain zero downtime. The payment gateway usually doesn’t easily get down unless and until there is any unavoidable issue. When any transaction has been processed between the sender’s bank or other service sites to the receiver’s bank, the main purpose of the payment gateway is to protect the transaction by encrypting sensitive data.

    A zero down­time deployment is one in which the website and applications never face an unsustainable state during its function. The web server will start providing the code when the development procedure is completed. Thus the payment gateway encrypts the card details of the payment initiator to verify the details and check their credibility. If opted, it has an additional step to authenticate by sending the OTP. Later the information will be transmitted to the receiver’s bank, which takes only a few seconds. 

     Difference Between the 2D and 3D Payment Gateway

    To elaborate more, for example, when someone purchases items online and needs to pay for them using some online payment mode, the payment initiator will enter the details of their account and the details on the card. Later once they proceed with the payment, the payment gateway encrypts the card details to run a credibility test and transmit the details to the receiver’s bank; during this process, the site doesn’t face any issues or become inactive, and thus the payment gateway maintains zero downtime after which the transaction process gets complete.

    NTT DATA Payment Services is a payment service provider that enables secure and rapid money transfers between users. With yearly transaction values totaling INR 1.4 lac crores, NTT DATA Payment Services India has assisted over six million merchants.

    Your business will benefit from NTT DATA’s instant settlement payment gateway in a variety of ways, which include higher conversions, secure payments, auto updates, a customised user interface, and much more.


    The payment gateway is the intermediary processor that handles payment transaction data between the consumer and the merchandiser. Generally, the payment gateway procedure takes only a few seconds, which is possible because of the zero downtime deployment, which aids the website and applications without facing an unsustainable state. 

    Before making a transaction, the customer typically fills in their account data, such as the name on the card, CVV, and expiration date, throughout this process. Following this, the payment gateway procedure begins, during which the payment request information is transmitted with the receiver’s bank and the payment is processed. It entails the verification of both parties from the participating banks. Millions of people can use it simultaneously, allowing you to buy and sell goods and services anytime you choose. Thus, this article explains how a payment gateway operates and answers the question: How do payment gateways maintain zero downtime?


    1. What is downtime in payment gateways?

    Downtime in payment gateways means when the payment gateway service is unavailable or inaccessible and causes a delay or inability to process transactions.

    2. How do payment gateways tackle zero downtime?

    Payment gateways strive to ensure maximum uptime and uninterrupted service for processing transactions by employing redundant infrastructure, load balancing, continuous monitoring, and proactive maintenance. Their disaster recovery plans and geographically distributed data centres are for backup.

    3. What are the reasons for downtime in payment gateways?

    Downtime in payment gateways leads to considerable delays in payment processing. It occurs for various reasons, such as technical issues, system maintenance, server outages, network disruptions, etc.

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